Ministrial Staff

Derek Sidney, Senior Pastor

Derek Sidney is the Senior Pastor and Founder of Holy Spirit Ministries ‐ D/S.  Established in 2012, this ministry brings an array of light and hope to the less fortunate, the homeless, and the despised people of God.   Under the leadership and guidence of Pastor Sidney, we are taught that we all contain the power to resurrect those who are going through some setback or crisis in their life by issuing words and actions of understanding, empathy, caring, and encouragement.

Not having formal education in religious studies from a seminary, and having decades of research and learning and the willingness to obey the unction of the Holy Spirit adhering to the visions and dreams that our Heavenly father utilizes to speack to us, Pastor Derek discovered his calling and answered the call to be a Pastor, confident, spiritual leader, teacher, mentor, friend, and encourager while working as a security officer for the greatest homeless center in the world, the Salvation Army.  Through his position as the Chief of Security for the Dallas Texas facility on Harry Hines Boulevard, Derek demonstrates daily unconditional love, (agape love), to the rejected and despised people of God who suffer and are affected by physical and/or mental addictions and routine devaluation by this society.

Additionally, Pastor Derek noticed that tmost churches today are contaminated with Greco‐Roman false doctines of prostelysing members on their physical attributes.  These false church doctrines and traditions are steeped in condemnation and shame and belief in the physical world and the perceptions of the five physical sensations of sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste.  These perceptions do not allow do not allow people with church defined "objectional" addictions to actively participate in religious services.  Pastor Derek notes that in spite of their afflictions, these dispossessed people still have their God given abilities and talents such as praying, praising, expressive dancing, singing and other musical prodigies and abilities like piano, drums, guitar and other praise instrument playing.

Through routinely creating ministries of stage plays, musical programs, and other ways of the dispossessed people displaying their God given abilities, he is able to give these dispossessed and unseen a voice to express their love of God.   Holy Spirit Ministries ‐ D/S is a beacon of light that paves and illuminates the path for the return and restoration of God’s chosen people.  This path towards salvation is founded upon the love of God by the tithing of the dispossessed’s talents to God through the joyful expression of their talents that God predestined them with before the creation of the foundations of the world.

Derek Sidney, born and raised in Monroe, Louisiana, is the eldest of four siblings.  And, he is the son of Mrs. Barbara Sidney and the late Henry Sidney, Sr.  Derek was baptized by the late Reverend Robert Stevenson.   Derek and his wife, Robin, cordially invite you to come and worship with God’s children on‐line and intheir home in Fate, Texas.

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