D/S is short‐hand notation for Direct Switch. We believe that once God turns on the switch, no man nor principality can extinghush the light.
Welcome to Holy Spirit Ministries ‐ D/S. We shape lives one at a time as we speak a WORD to you which will kill the physical sin, guilt, and self‐doubt. We at Holy Spirit Ministries ‐ D/S teach you how to resurrect the Spiritual self within you. As Paul stated in his revelation, our fight is not earthly or physical; our fight is spiritual. Furthermore, we are all spirit wrapped within a soul which exists in this physical world. As Genesis 1:26‐27 states "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness... So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them...." Therefore, we teach that all being made in the image of God, and that God is spirit, we, therefore, are spirit. Having Godly attributes which though mentally and spiritually dead, (asleep), when we are born these attributes can be resurrected, (awaken), with the hearing and doing of a WORD through the Holy Spirit which is our teacher and corrector and exists within us all.
Jesus, the Christ, who fulfilled the laws of the Old Testament, commanded that we obey the new commandment, (see John 13:34-35). This new commandment is that we love ourselves and one another with unconditional love, (agape love). Once we have that agape love, we can love the Lord, our God, Elohim, Who exists outside of time and space. Elohim created all of the universes and dominions both within and outside of us.
Holy Spirit Ministries ‐ D/S is a restorative ministries. We exist to serve our Heavenly Creator and Overseer by using our experience, our knowledge, our learning, our research, and our unconditional love as directed by the unction of the Holy Spirit to resurrect the down‐trodden. We know through our training from the Trinity of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit that all human beings have great self‐worth and that we face a constant fight to be spiritually minded and not to fall to the wilds of this physical world. If you feel your spiritual foundation is built in sand or is non‐existent, feel free to join us. We broadcast on Zoom and Facebook Live. We have the Daily Grind hosted by Pastor Derek Sidney Monday through Friday at 8:00a.m.. Furthrmore, we have Thursday Night Bible Study. On Sandays, we have Sunday Bible Study and Sunday Worship Service.
Holy Spirit Ministries ‐ D/S is A restorative ministry that restores individuals to a state of wholeness, healing, and spiritual well‐being. As a restorative ministry, we provide support, care, and guidance to people who have experienced brokenness, trauma, addiction, or other forms of distress and/anxiety. We address physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of individuals and promote healing and reconciliation.